Let us help you find a better way.
Your Virtual CKO
Imagine having a Chief Knowledge Officer who can take responsibility for the productivity and efficiency of your operations, including strategy development, to enable your business to be its very best without adding to your headcount. A pair of steady hands who can provide creative solutions, during business as usual periods and in times of crisis.
Find your expertise
Minimize risk and maximize quality by having access to your most important information, through shared sites or centralized search capabilities. Enable ways to share knowledge while maintaining consistency and quality assurance.
News and regulatory developments
Compliance frameworks
Policies, standards and annotated guidelines
Reuse, reduce and recycle - develop and maintain model and sample precedents and templates
Library of presentations and other resource materials
Tips sheets for technology
Build engaged teams
Encourage collaboration and better buy-in to a united vision, and develop a true high-performance culture. Provide development opportunities and a defined learning curriculum for your team.
Strong goal-setting and prioritization
Needs-based allocation of resources
Leadership development and coaching
Promote individual storytelling to build personal brands
Invite broad stakeholder input to unite and activate teams
Succession planning
Don’t reinvent the wheel
Matter, document and records management are essential business practices that help develop insights, reduce waste, and manage risk. This is especially true in the self-serve environment we find ourselves during this pandemic. Help your teams better capture and retrieve business records, and your organization manage record retention/destruction compliantly.
Choose the right technology solution to fit your specific needs — for tracking, data analysis,
Implement or augment technology to support matter and document management
Establish info governance policies/procedures to be prepared for unexpected demands
Track, analyze and report key data points
Mandate timely records destruction consistent with retention policies
Do less to achieve more. Incorporate process design to streamline practices to support both business as usual and during resource-challenged crisis periods. Apply project management disciplines to ensure your projects are executed on time and on budget, and properly integrated into your organization.
Lean Six Sigma principles and process mapping
Organize and implement workflows
Agile teams
Design-thinking and fail-fast
Precision + concision = decision
Communications, communications, communications — in the ordinary course or when extraordinary times require constant and consistent messaging. Promote lucid and relevant reporting across your business, leadership and boards. Use thoughtful language and meaningful data to create cogent narratives. Insightful reporting for informed decisions.
Build trust and engagement by being concise and relevant
Best principles for reporting styles, layout and language
Integrate reporting to avoid potential gaps
Apply templates to ensure consistency
Streamline reporting cycles